Where we are

By car: after crossing the Liberty Bridge over the lagoon and arriving into Venice, you could leave your car at the Tronchetto parking (entrance to the right—almost at the end of the Liberty Bridge). The Tronchetto parking is well marked and easy to reach. You could also proceed to the very end of the Liberty Bridge and enter into Venice, stopping at the parking called Piazzale Roma. From the Tronchetto parking, you could come directly to the Lido by driving your car into a Ferry that would get you to the Lido in 35 minutes.  Costs vary (depending on the size of your vehicle), from E. 14.50 to E. 24.00 (passengers are responsible for the cost of transportation).  After disembarking, you would turn right and continue on, till Piazzale S. Maria Elisabetta, where to the left, next to the church, you will see the Hotel Belvedere.
If you decide to leave your car at the Tronchetto parking, you can reach the Lido by boat (Vapo-retto). From Tronchetto, take the line 2 boat and get off at the Zattere dock (all docks are clearly marked). From the Zattere dock take the line 5.1 or 6.1 to the Lido. You will arrive at the Lido, in the Piazzale S. Maria Elisabetta (the dock is marked “Lido”) right in front of the Belvedere Hotel.

From Piazzale Roma, you can reach the Lido with lines 1/ 5.1/ 5.2/ 6.1 (See schedule www.actv.it)

By train: From the train station “Venezia Santa Lucia” you can take lines 1/ 5.1/5.2 (every 10 minutes) in the direction of the Lido (schedule at www.actv.it)

By plane: From the Venice airport “Marco Polo” walk to the dock (about 7 minutes) and take the airport shuttle service called “Alilaguna” (schedule at www.alilaguna.it) in the direction of the Lido. ed i taxi acquei. Water taxis are always available as well.


IMPORTANT: You should visit the Venezia Unica kiosks in order to avoid standing in long lines to purchase your transportation tickets or your passes for museums and churches.


If you decide to prolong your stay, it might be cheaper to buy a transport ticket for several days. Check it on Venezia Unica site or just ask at the first ticket office.



P.le Santa Maria Elisabetta, 4
30126 Lido di Venezia - Veneto
Tel. 041 5260115
Fax 041 5261486
info: info@belvedere-venezia.com
Cod.Fisc./P.IVA: 03773020270
CIR: 027042-ALB-00427




Project financed under the Venero Region POC 2014-2020