
We offer our customer a versatile catering (room service).


We have a spacious restaurant, a bar - self-service, open to the public and well attended by local people. Our Bar is a well-known stop for a quick breakfast or aperitif but it is also used for quick carry-out (take-away) dishes and tasty sandwiches you can take with you to eat at the beach

Our Restaurant has both a comfortable air-conditioned room as well as a sitting area in the pedestrian square outside, with a panoramic view of the Venetian lagoon.


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The cuisine offers traditional Venetian dishes with main courses featuring fish or scampi risotto, gnocchi with crab sauce, spaghetti “gondolier” style or crab/fish cakes.


Come antipasto di pesce le nostre specialità sono la grancevola, i folpetti alla catalana, gli scampi con la rucola, gli scampi e le sarde in saor, le cicale di mare e i gamberetti conditi con un leggero pinzimonio, la saltata di cozze e vongole veraci, ma potete anche richiedere un antipasto misto per assaggiare un po' di tutto. .

Half/Board reservations include a daily full dinner chosen from the menu of your choice.




P.le Santa Maria Elisabetta, 4
30126 Lido di Venezia - Veneto
Tel. 041 5260115
Fax 041 5261486
N 45° 25' 3.3" E 12° 22' 8.2"
info: info@belvedere-venezia.com
Cod.Fisc./P.IVA: 03773020270
CIR: 027042-ALB-00427




Project financed under the Venero Region POC 2014-2020